Emergency Dentistry

Dental Emergencies Canton Michigan Dentists

Emergency Dental Care in Canton, MI

If you think you have a dental emergency, call to see our Canton, MI emergency dentists as soon as possible.

Many people are unsure about what to do or where to go in the event of a dental emergency. Dental injuries and other issues should be treated as soon as possible, just like a medical emergency, to avoid complications and long-term injury.

Hometown Dental ensures that you are seen promptly for any dental emergencies you may be dealing with. Whether you have severe tooth pain or a chipped or fractured tooth, we’ll be able to see you right away and get you out of pain!

In the meantime, follow our instructions below for what you should do while waiting for emergency dental care. The sooner you act to save a tooth, the more likely you’ll have a good outcome.

Continue reading to learn how to respond to a toothache, knocked-out tooth, loose tooth, and other situations that require urgent dental care.

What Is a Dental Emergency?

Call our emergency dentists if you have sharp and/or consistent oral pain, tissue bleeding that won’t stop, abscesses, or broken teeth. If you aren’t sure if you have a dental emergency, call our office for further instruction. Getting emergency dental care in time can help you save a tooth.


Many mild toothaches are caused by food caught between teeth. Before calling our emergency dentists, gently floss to remove any trapped food particles that could be causing pain and rinse with warm water.

If the toothache persists, call our office as soon as possible and take over-the-counter pain relievers until your appointment. DO NOT put crushed aspirin on your tooth, as this burns gums and destroys tooth enamel.

Knocked-Out Tooth

Your best chance to replant a knocked-out tooth is within 30 minutes of the injury. Our emergency dentists can help with these types of emergencies, giving you the best chance of saving your tooth.

  • Call our emergency dentists ASAP.
  • Pick up the tooth by its crown (chewing surface), not the root. Touching the root can damage the cells needed for reattachment.
  • Gently rinse the tooth.
  • If possible, gently place the tooth back in the socket. Otherwise, store the tooth between your gum and cheek or wrap the tooth in clean gauze and immerse it in whole milk.

Loose Tooth

  • Call our emergency dentists ASAP.
  • Apply a cold compress to your cheek to temporarily relieve pain.
  • Take over-the-counter pain reliever if necessary.

Cracked, Chipped, or Broken Teeth

  • Call our emergency dentists ASAP.
  • Rinse your mouth with warm water.
  • Apply a cold compress to your cheek to temporarily relieve pain.

DO NOT put crushed aspirin on the tooth. Doing so will burn your gums and destroy your tooth enamel.

Same Day Dental Appointments in Canton, MI – #1 Emergency Dentist Near Me – Canton, MI Emergency Dentists