When Fillings Fail: How to Spot a Lost Filling

Lost dental filling Canton MI dentists

When Fillings Fail: How to Spot a Lost Filling

Lost dental filling Canton MI dentists

Staying in tune with what’s going on in your mouth is important as it can sometimes be the difference between a manageable issue and a dental emergency. One such issue to pay attention to is a lost dental filling. When you catch it not too long after it has disappeared, our Canton, MI, dentists can simply replace the filling instead of performing a more intensive procedure.

Here are 4 signs that may mean a filling has fallen out.

What Causes Fillings to Dislodge

A dental filling can come loose for a variety of reasons. Potential causes can range from a new cavity that’s developed under or around the filling to teeth grinding at night. Whatever it ends up being, you’re left with the same result and should see one of our dentists so we can restore your tooth.

Fillings also tend to loosen because of:

  • Trauma, accidents, and facial injuries
  • Consumption of hard, sticky, or crunchy foods
  • Hard chewing while eating
  • Chemical reactions that affects the bond of the filling to the tooth

More often than not, it’s obvious when a filling starts to loosen up or falls out. For instance, some patients notice while they’re eating, brushing their teeth, or flossing. Still, it’s not always apparent, especially if the filling is small to begin with.

Be on Alert for a Lost Filling If:

1. There’s Sudden Pain

Without a filling in place, your treated tooth is vulnerable. More specifically, the tissues underneath the lost filling are now exposed to outside factors like air, pressure, cold, and heat. This can lead to out-of-the-blue tooth pain when you least plan for it.

Though it can be disconcerting, you don’t need to panic when a filling falls out. What you do need to do is call our Canton, MI, dental office and schedule a time where you can have the filling repaired by our dentists. You can also take over-the-counter pain medication as needed if the discomfort is hard to ignore.

2. Your Tooth Looks Cracked or Has a Hole

If you take a look in the mirror while opening your mouth and see a noticeable hole or crack in a tooth, odds are you lost your filling. You should also be able to feel with your tongue where the filling once was.

Until you can be seen by one of our dentists, we recommend gargling with salt water to reduce any inflammation or bacteria buildup. Try mixing a half teaspoon of salt with 8 ounces of warm water and swish it around for 30 seconds before spitting it out. For extra protection, apply dental wax to temporarily fill the exposed hole or crack.

3. Temperature Sensitivity Has Been Turned Up 

As mentioned before, missing a filling means the inner portion of your tooth is susceptible to cold and heat. That means when you take a sip of that morning coffee or enjoy some ice cream, you might notice some heightened sensitivity.

Try avoiding foods or drinks that may irritate your tooth until your appointment. It’s also a good idea to not chew on the side where your sensitive tooth is located. We will do our best to have you come in as soon as possible so you’re not uncomfortable for long.

4. Pieces of Food Are Getting Stuck 

Sometimes food can become trapped in your teeth after a meal or snack. It’s no different when a filling is gone. If you notice that bits of food are getting trapped in the exact same spot where your filling is, it could be because it has fallen out. Call our office and we’ll quickly replace your lost filling.

Call Our Office for a Repair

Fillings are best when they’re where they should be. If you have noticed any of the above, please reach out to our dentists in Canton, MI. We’ll take care of the issue and make sure your tooth is restored. Call Hometown Dental today at (734) 667-4941 or contact us online.