Why Does My Tooth Hurt? Toothache Causes, Symptoms, & Relief

Toothache emergency dentists Canton MI

Why Does My Tooth Hurt? Toothache Causes, Symptoms, & Relief

Toothache emergency dentists Canton MI

If you’re dealing with a toothache that just won’t let up, your best bet is to see our Canton, MI, emergency dentists for treatment. We believe in providing fast, considerate care so you can rest easy knowing that we’re doing everything in our power to save your teeth and prevent worsening oral health.

Here’s an overview of toothache symptoms, possible causes behind the discomfort, and how we can efficiently treat the issue at hand.

Understanding Toothaches

Regardless of the cause, a toothache is general pain that is in or around a tooth. A handful of factors can contribute to a toothache occurring. Some minor toothaches can be treated with at-home remedies while others end up being more severe.

Knowing when to listen to your body and seek emergency dental care from our dentists is important. If a severe toothache is not quickly dealt with, there is a chance that tooth extraction will be the only solution.

We want to keep your smile healthy at all costs. If your pain is too much to self-manage and lasts longer than 2 days, please contact our Canton, MI, dental office right away.

Origins and Signs of Tooth Pain

When it comes to toothaches, it isn’t hard to know you have one. The pain can be outright distracting and make it difficult to eat or drink. Because a toothache can mean any number of things, our dentists will need to examine your mouth to determine the cause.

Common causes of toothaches include:

  • Abscessed tooth
  • Tooth decay
  • Fractured tooth
  • Damaged filling
  • Excessive grinding or clenching
  • Gum infection or disease
  • An accumulation of food or debris between teeth

Any of the above causes will often result in sharp, throbbing, or constant tooth pain. Sometimes pain only occurs when pressure is applied to the tooth. There may also be swelling associated with the toothache.

Most symptoms will resolve on their own or with simple remedies. However, it’s best to contact our office if you are experiencing extended pain or symptoms that could indicate infection.

Get help from our dentists if your toothache is:

  • Lasting longer than 1 or 2 days
  • Severe
  • Accompanied by a fever, earache, or pain when you open your mouth wide

Various Approaches to Treatment

Before treatment can be chosen, our team of dentists will conduct an oral examination. Your medical and dental history will also be reviewed to give our dentists the whole picture.

Depending on the cause, we may need to fill a cavity, perform an emergency root canal, prescribe antibiotics, or possibly extract a tooth. Our dentists will do everything they can to alleviate your pain and save any affected teeth.

On the other hand, if your toothache is minor, we recommend that you try:

  • Rinsing your mouth with warm saltwater
  • Using floss to dislodge trapped food particles
  • Taking over-the-counter pain relievers as needed
  • Applying a cold compress to the outside of your cheek

Banish Nagging Tooth Pain

Our emergency dentists in Canton, MI, are here when you need us most, including days where toothaches keep you on edge. Call Hometown Dental today at (734) 667-4941 for urgent attention or contact us online for less time-sensitive matters.