3 Practical Uses of Dental Crowns

Dental Crown Dentist In Canton Mi

3 Practical Uses of Dental Crowns

Dental Crown Dentist In Canton Mi

Dental crowns are a versatile solution, offering both functional and aesthetic benefits. Porcelain crowns, in particular, provide a durable and natural-looking option for patients dealing with a variety of dental issues. Whether a tooth has been damaged by infection or needs extra support due to another reason, a crown from our Canton dentists can restore its strength and appearance.

Here are 3 instances where dental crown placement is recommended.

The Primary Function of a Dental Crown

Just like a helmet on our heads, a crown serves as a similar protective “cap” for our teeth. It is tooth-shaped and placed over a damaged tooth to restore shape, size, strength, and overall appearance. Our dentists may place a dental crown in a few different situations, such as when a cavity is too large for a tooth-colored filling.

An Abbreviated Dental Crown Timeline

There is nothing to be afraid of with the dental crown procedure. We’ll start by taking a look at the tooth in question and snap a few painless X-rays. Next, our dentists will remove a portion of the enamel and reshape the tooth in preparation for the crown. An impression will then be made of the altered tooth and neighboring teeth. We’ll place a temporary crown on top until the permanent version is back from the dental lab.

Once the crown is ready, we ask that you come back to our Canton, MI, dental office to have it properly adhered onto your tooth.

Dental Crowns Are Most Useful For Teeth That:

1. Are Structurally Affected

Facial trauma, hard foods, and excessive grinding or clenching can all cause tooth injury. A broken or weakened tooth needs proper protection or it is at risk for further complications. This is where a dental crown comes in. Our dentists will take impressions, have a dental crown created, and cement it into place for a healthy smile.

2. Show Signs of Infection & Need a Root Canal

Deep tooth decay or infection should never be ignored as it can negatively affect the tooth’s inner nerve and pulp. Pulp is the soft tissue located beneath the white enamel and the subsequent hard layer, dentin. It contains blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue.

When the nerve tissue or pulp is damaged, bacteria begin to spread inside of the pulp chamber. This can cause an infection or even an abscessed tooth. To eliminate bacteria from the infected root canal and prevent reinfection, our dentists will perform necessary treatment.

Read MoreRoot Canals Explained: Top 5 Questions Answered

We’ll carefully remove the inflamed or infected pulp and clean the inside of the tooth before sealing it back up. Our dentists will finish restoring the tooth by placing a dental crown on top. The crown will prevent the tooth from breaking and give it strength.

3. Are Missing (& Require a Bridge or Implant)

Made up of a false tooth held in place by two crowns, a dental bridge literally “bridges” a gap left behind by a missing tooth. It also prevents existing teeth from drifting out of position and distributes the forces in your bite properly.

Our dentists will cement the two crowns used onto each of the abutment, or adjacent, teeth that support the bridge. The result is a seamless smile that no longer suffers from the difficulties that missing teeth bring.

Aside from a bridge, another solution for a missing tooth is a dental implant. An artificial tooth root surgically embedded into the jawbone, a dental implant is placed in the open space left behind. For complete restoration, a crown is placed on top of the implant for a permanent fixture that looks and operates like a natural tooth.

The combination of a dental implant paired with a crown provides patients suffering from tooth loss with an alternative to dentures if that option isn’t for them. Dental implants also preserve existing teeth, restore the ability to chew, and prevent jawbone deterioration.

Get Evaluated for a Dental Crown Today 

Our dentists in Canton, MI, can speak with you about the possibility of getting a dental crown should it prove necessary for your smile. Call Hometown Dental today at (734) 667-4941 or contact us online to learn more about the services we provide.